Brazilian passport application form
Brazilians needs a passport to visit the United States. (Photo: passport image by yuriyklymenko from Fotolia.com )
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Brazilian visitors require a valid passport to enjoy the tourist delights of the United States. If this important travel document expires during the trip, the Brazilian tourist might find himself in hot water with both governments. Fortunately, Brazil allows its citizens to renew their passports without interrupting their journeys.
Step 1
Fill out an online passport application at the Brazil Minister of Foreign Relations website (see Resources). Print and sign the document.
Step 2
Prepare one passport photograph taken within the past six months that measures 2 inches square. It must show a full face, front view without glasses or head coverings, on a white background.
Step 3
Prepare a postal money order with the current passport fees as explained in the Brazilian Consulate of San Francisco website (see Resources). Make it out to "Consulate General of Brazil."
Step 4
Include an official document showing that you have fulfilled all voting requirements. If you don't have this document, you may still renew, but you must get the proof or fulfill your voting obligations at the electoral court within 30 days after returning to Brazil.
Step 5
Include your Brazilian Military Registration Certificate if you are a male and 18 to 45 years of age.
Step 6
Include your previous, undamaged passport. If it was lost or damaged, you need to sign a declaration in front of a consular agent explaining the situation. If it was stolen, you need the original police report. If you cannot produce an undamaged passport, you must submit proof of Brazilian citizenship, such as an official birth or marriage certificate, Brazilian ID card or military document.
Step 7
Make copies of all your submissions in case they get lost in the mail. Copy all pages of your passport and both sides of any identification.
Step 8
Gather all documents in one envelope. You may submit the envelope by mail to the nearest Brazilian Consulate only if you are in that consulate’s jurisdiction. (Consult the jurisdiction list under the list of Brazilian Consulates in the U.S. website.) However, you must use U.S. Express Mail and allow at least 15 business days for processing after the application is received. Include a prepaid Express Mail envelope for the return of the renewed passport and submitted documents. If you are not within a consular jurisdiction, you need to submit your envelope in person.