Best Place to Vacation in Brazil
Planning to take over a South American trip won’t be complete if you don’t have the best places to visit in Brazil before you die in your list. Why Brazil? The country has stunning beaches, scenic landscapes, rich ecosystem, lovely people and owns mouth-watering Brazilian dishes. These are only a portion of the reasons why travelers, tourists, backpackers, honeymooners, and wanderers kept on coming back to Brazil, and you really can’t blame them if they have fallen in love with the biggest chunk of South America, Brazil.
Brazil takes tourism seriously. Brazilians have their own way of developing the country’s beauty without closing its gates to travelers. Despite all the good things you can appreciate from drifting around Brazil, there are massive crimes that happen every day especially those that involves tourist’s safety. Well, they say, robbers won’t rob you if you’re not displaying something worth robbing for. If you read about our previous post about the, then sure you are expecting for the tips about surviving Brazil. Don’t worry; we’ll give it out to you, with our arms wide open, just like Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro. Great news here cause we’ll provide you a worry-free travel by giving you the safest spots in Brazil that you’ll surely enjoy.
Are you ready for our awesome tips about the best and safest places to visit in Brazil? Bet you are, grab your pen and not your pal, and list down these enchanting places you can only see in Brazil.
The cosmopolitan city of Belo Horizonte is Brazil’s 6th largest city. And despite being a home to different faces every day, it is quite a safe place to travel. Feel free to spend your afternoon at the popular Museum of Mineralogy, Minas Church, and the Municipal Park in the heart of the city.